Meet the Candle Brand Building on Purpose

While browsing the website for Quaint Keystones Co., you’ll run across the phrase “developed with divine intent” posted on an image of their beautifully labeled candles. Most companys origin stories begin with an ah-ha moment, but a brand boasting divine intervention is a story we rarely hear. All of us have God-given talents and dreams that were seeded inside us from a young age, its amazing to see someone who is spiritually connect tap into these dreams and talent and create a brand that leans into that source. Quaint Keystones was founded in 2020 during a global pandemic. At the time, founder, Sarah Bee was looking for her purpose. Naturally a writer, Bee was led to display her poems onto candles, she recently fell in love with the craft of candle making. Her mission is to be more than a candle brand. Transferring QK’s core belief to your spirit so you feel heard and appreciated. To know this world would not be the same without you. QK was developed to celebrate life, no matter what season of it you are in. To spark the divine intention housed in your heart. The excerpts on each candle make you feel just that. Their scent “Grounded” reads “We don't know what tomorrow may hold or what it may look like, but we will remain optimistic and planted in our aspirations. This is for those that stand firm on believing better is to come.” Quaint Keystones is a brand that touches the heart and spirit, their hand-poured candles not only smell amazing but each is labeled with an affirmation to uplift customers. Meet the founder below as we discuss divine ideas and her startup story.


OTH: Tell us what inspired you to start your own business.

QK: Hi! What inspired me to start my own business was truly a God thing. I’ve always envisioned having my own business since I was a little girl, and throughout life, I’ve started quite a few. They weren’t successful (rather my ideal expectation) and after a while, I’d get a nudging feeling that those particular ventures at the time didn’t feel right for me. I don’t regret any of them, because I learned things about starting a business and more about myself. Back to the part about what inspired me to start another business, God, yes God. I was so afraid to start a new business. The fear of it crumbling or worse, discovering it isn’t for me. If anything, I had to learn that fear should not prevent you from starting something new, regardless of the number of times you fall. No matter how hard the fall is, we should allow ourselves room to build. 

OTH: Why candles?

QK: Well, firstly, I love candles! My mother had tons of candles around the house growing up.  God really sparked the idea for me, I kept praying and asking what type of industry I should go into. I enjoy so many different industries, my biggest challenge was honing in on a specific lane. One day, it dropped into my mind. From that moment, I began studying everything I possibly could about the home decor and candle industry. 

OTH: This brand is a combination of passions, how did you come up with the idea to add your personal writings to your product.

QK: Writing has always been one of my escapes and vacations, I brainstormed what can I possibly do that can set me apart as a brand. When I settled on the idea, it clicked to me that my small writing could be a part of a person’s home experience. A candle with meaning, a candle with a purpose. Candles set the tone and of course, smell amazing! I also can’t forget to mention just how candles are included in many individual’s self-care routines. 

OTH: Do you believe sharing your writing on your products makes the business more personal?

QK: I do. For me, it feels like I’m operating in my purpose. This business feels right, it feels as if it was tailored for me.

OTH: What confirmations did you receive in the beginning stages of starting your brand

QK: I’ve had a few. I was afraid to start this brand, but I randomly kept coming across so many videos about taking the leap to start a business. The videos weren’t just sweet, they talked about the challenges they encountered throughout. Covid definitely showed me that life is so fragile and I feel that was a bit of a driving force for me to just go for it, but, I also prayed deeply about it. I waited until I heard from God. I told a few people about it and they also encouraged me to do it. Encouraging someone goes a long way. If it weren’t for them, I probably would have gone back to the drawing board because of fear of possible failure. Having a few people that help you fight off the doubts that you have are the best! 

OTH: Tell us about your divine idea, what lead you to Quaint Keystones Co.

QK: I’m led by the Source. The divine ideal is to just take my time with this. Slowly await the unfolding of it, do it with intention. One thing about candles is that it is a continuous learning curve. There is always something to improve on! Same with writing. 

OTH: What do you feel is the “bigger plan” for Quaint Keystones Co.

OK: The bigger plan for QT is more than just candles. The company has part of its name because it’s leaving room for much more. I can’t quite specify what exactly, as I’m still awaiting confirmation. 

OTH: What’s your advice to anyone working on a divine dream/goal

QK: Pray on it, listen, and then go for it! I also will say, find a tribe of other people that are working on their dreams as well. You’d be able to help motivate each other. You’ll need that. Especially when you have slow days/ uninspired days and start to have a few second thoughts. We all encounter those at some point. Keep going.

OTH: How would you differentiate a personal goal vs. a divine dream

QK: It's a certain feeling within that differentiates the two. The reward feels different too. When it’s a personal goal I’ve met, it’s a feeling of relief and short-lived. With a divine dream, it feels fulfilling and surreal at the same time.

OTH: Where do you see Quaint Keystones Co. in a few years.

QK: In a few years, I hope my brand is in stores! There’s so much I want to do with this brand. 

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